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Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is simple:

"To maximise investment returns in the most tax efficient manner within the level of investment risk you are prepared to take. We adopt a balanced and diversified approach to establishing an investment portfolio, incorporating capital protected investments when appropriate to individual circumstances, within an agreed time horizon."

Investments in whatever form (whether within an investment portfolio, pension portfolio or trust portfolio) are a crucial part of most of our clients’ financial plans. We are acutely aware that our advice is very important and we do not take this task lightly.

One of our key roles in assisting clients is helping them plan what risk they can afford to take and what risk they need to take – two very different things. Risk relates to both the capital itself and the investment return to be achieved, and we tailor our advice to each and every client on a personalised basis.

Having established key aspects such as those mentioned above, the extent of income or growth required etc, we then build a proposed portfolio which is both balanced and diverse.

We do not advocate regularly disinvesting then reinvesting to try and ‘time the markets’ since this is a dangerous strategy to adopt. As the saying goes, “It is time in the market, not timing the market” that is important.

Maximising tax efficiency is equally vital, whether it be income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. The benefits and value should never be understated. Therefore we assess the most tax efficient way of investing to achieve your goals.

Finally, it is all too easy to overcomplicate matters and this is something we strive to avoid. Keeping matters as simple as possible is something our clients value.

Investment Committee

Our Investment Committee meets on a monthly basis providing an independent analysis of investment funds and products from both a wider asset allocation perspective together with detailed appraisal of individual fund performance.

New investment products and methods are analysed on an ongoing basis to ensure a consistent investment process and approach.

Carrying out this research independently allows the Investment Committee to ensure the firm’s investment philosophy is adhered to in an unbiased and unrestricted way.

Independent Investment Associates Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

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